Monday, May 26, 2008

Final Words.....MCVP 05-06

I know i'm not the best, but im different

AI Director Speech 07-08

Socrates once said, “Speak so I can see you, it is a privilege that not many people get in many parts of the world to speak what is on their mind and what is on their heart, few people who actually make it and fewer get the chance to talk to the world about it.

In my continues search for freedom, dignity, love and truth, I have encountered lost souls and miserable situations that made me want to help everyone if possible we should live by each others happiness, we should work for each others achievements, we have faced a lot of doubting, criticism and became more cynical of ourselves and to each other, we got stuck too much in organizational process that we forgot why are we doing this and enjoying it while doing.

In our continuous strive for the betterment of the organization, we have encountered challenges whether in non achievement of some of our goals or doubting what we do, it is high time we went on the right path, we have it defined and we have the method to reach it, all what is left is our action steps to achieve it.

It is all about simple logic, we continuously address sophisticated methods to solve simple issues, it is rather simpler, it is about some group of individuals who have passion in making a difference in their societies and that is ME and YOU, There is no need for creation we have everything in place, lets make sure that we utilize our ambition right now through our different entities.

We have always been reacting to the current state of the world and it was the moment when we stopped and looked at our past and our future and decided we have to be proactive enough to the future to achieve the impact desired on our communities, the key word is ACTION

2007-2008 is our half way through to achieve our vision, let's do it and make sure that we leave our marks in our souls with our great steps

Its hope that brings faith
Its faith that brings love
Its love that brings eternity

I m Sami Daoud and I m standing for love, truth, democracy and Hope

Thank you

Saturday, May 24, 2008

فتاة صغيرة تجرى فى الحقل مع أمها


إلى ألكسندرا

النور المشع الذى تراه؛

هو رداء الممرضة الأبيض.

نصف وجهها مضاء؛

النصف المواجه للنافذة.

تجلس فى سكون؛

كالورود بجانب قضيب القطار

لحظة مرت؛ ربما عدة

و السكون لازال صامت

Thursday, May 08, 2008

حافى القدمين بداخل القصر



عندما تصبح أحلامى هى كوابيسى المجهولة

ما أحلم بفعله قد يكون هو خطيئتى الكبرى

رغبتنى هى ما تدفعنى لفعل أى شىء

ولكن هل هو حقاً قدرى فى أن أفعل هذا الأى شىء؟

هل يهم حقاً ما أفعله؟

لم أعد خائفاً

ربما بداخلى لازلت خائفاً

لكنى رسمت الشجاعة على وجهى

أصبحت روحى منفرة من الإذعان و الخضوع

أنظر حولى و لا أحد على مرمى البصر

هل هم حقاً يتبعونى؟

أم أنا تابع لخطواتى؟

هل سأموت حقاً؟

Monday, May 05, 2008

الوجود الإنسانى


الساعة الثانية صباحاً

إلى مونيكا

النور هو ما أخافه

ما أراه فى طريقى

هو مالا أستطيع تغييره

الضوء هو أخر ما رأيته قبل مماتى

الفتاة ذات الأعين الزرقاء


الساعة الثانية صباحاً

إلى ألكسندرا

نظرت الملكة حيث الضباب

جالسة فى شموخ زائف

فى قاربهاالعائم بالمستنقع

الأشجار مائلة تجاه الماء

الضباب يغطى الماء بلونه الأبيض

و ردائها الأزرق يضىء أوراق الشجر

لاتزال تحلم

فالخيال هو ما يبقينا أحياء